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out url icon Recercat El sector forestal: dades per al debat: Quines s贸n les principals magnituds i dades del m贸n forestal que condicionen l鈥檈voluci贸 futura del sector? Gordi i Serrat, Josep
out url icon Recercat El sector forestal: dades per al debat: Quines s贸n les principals magnituds i dades del m贸n forestal que condicionen l鈥檈voluci贸 futura del sector? Gordi i Serrat, Josep
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 El sector forestal: dades per al debat: Quines s贸n les principals magnituds i dades del m贸n forestal que condicionen l鈥檈voluci贸 futura del sector?
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 El sector forestal: dades per al debat: Quines s贸n les principals magnituds i dades del m贸n forestal que condicionen l鈥檈voluci贸 futura del sector? Gordi i Serrat, Josep
out url icon Recercat Selective logging in public pine forests of the central Iberian Peninsula: Effects of the recovery process on ant assemblages G贸mez L贸pez, Crisanto ; Abril, S铆lvia
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 Selective logging in public pine forests of the central Iberian Peninsula: Effects of the recovery process on ant assemblages G贸mez L贸pez, Crisanto ; Abril, S铆lvia
out url icon Recercat Sustainable dynamics of size-structured forest under climate change Hritonenko, Natali ; Yatsenko, Yuri ; Goetz, Renan-Ulrich ; Xabadia i Palmada, 脌ngels
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 Sustainable dynamics of size-structured forest under climate change Hritonenko, Natali ; Yatsenko, Yuri ; Goetz, Renan-Ulrich ; Xabadia i Palmada, 脌ngels
doc icon DUGiDocs agost 2005 Transformation of a Rural Landscape in the Eastern Pyrenees Between 1953 and 2000 Roura i Pascual, N煤ria ; Pons Ferran, Pere ; Etienne, Michel ; Lambert, Bernard
out url icon Recercat Transformation of a Rural Landscape in the Eastern Pyrenees Between 1953 and 2000 Roura i Pascual, N煤ria ; Pons Ferran, Pere ; Etienne, Michel ; Lambert, Bernard
doc icon DUGiDocs 23 juliol 2021 Unveiling the conservation status of the sessile oak forest for their protection and management in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula Bou Manobens, Jordi ; Vilar Sais, Llu铆s
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