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Format | Data | T铆tol | Autor |
El sector forestal: dades per al debat: Quines s贸n les principals magnituds i dades del m贸n forestal que condicionen l鈥檈voluci贸 futura del sector? |
Gordi i Serrat, Josep
El sector forestal: dades per al debat: Quines s贸n les principals magnituds i dades del m贸n forestal que condicionen l鈥檈voluci贸 futura del sector? |
Gordi i Serrat, Josep
1 juny 2018 |
El sector forestal: dades per al debat: Quines s贸n les principals magnituds i dades del m贸n forestal que condicionen l鈥檈voluci贸 futura del sector? |
5 juny 2018 |
El sector forestal: dades per al debat: Quines s贸n les principals magnituds i dades del m贸n forestal que condicionen l鈥檈voluci贸 futura del sector? |
Gordi i Serrat, Josep
Selective logging in public pine forests of the central Iberian Peninsula: Effects of the recovery process on ant assemblages |
G贸mez L贸pez, Crisanto
; Abril, S铆lvia
2011 |
Selective logging in public pine forests of the central Iberian Peninsula: Effects of the recovery process on ant assemblages |
G贸mez L贸pez, Crisanto
; Abril, S铆lvia
Sustainable dynamics of size-structured forest under climate change |
Hritonenko, Natali
; Yatsenko, Yuri
; Goetz, Renan-Ulrich
; Xabadia i Palmada, 脌ngels
2012 |
Sustainable dynamics of size-structured forest under climate change |
Hritonenko, Natali
; Yatsenko, Yuri
; Goetz, Renan-Ulrich
; Xabadia i Palmada, 脌ngels
agost 2005 |
Transformation of a Rural Landscape in the Eastern Pyrenees Between 1953 and 2000 |
Roura i Pascual, N煤ria
; Pons Ferran, Pere
; Etienne, Michel
; Lambert, Bernard
Transformation of a Rural Landscape in the Eastern Pyrenees Between 1953 and 2000 |
Roura i Pascual, N煤ria
; Pons Ferran, Pere
; Etienne, Michel
; Lambert, Bernard
23 juliol 2021 |
Unveiling the conservation status of the sessile oak forest for their protection and management in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula |
Bou Manobens, Jordi
; Vilar Sais, Llu铆s